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Country of Birth: United States
Bred By Roger Toffolon
EVA Status: Negative
Location Los Alamos, California
Breed Registry 9845734 Jockey Club
Sea Lion was the only stallion in North America to be included in Tom Reed's short list of thoroughbred stallions that "should be considered for an eventing breeding program." (Tom Reed of Morningside Stud and the Warmblood Studbook of Ireland, from his article, "A Critical Shortage of Blood," published in Horse International, 2015 Volume 3, pp 56 – 57.)
In July 2015, Sea Lion added to his list of registry accolades when he was approved by the American Hanoverian Society. The judges – who believe Sea Lion's score may be the highest ever awarded to a thoroughbred – confirmed their opinion by inviting the dark bay stallion to stand at stud in Germany for a season.
Sea Lion has won championships at Advanced Level eventing and 1m 20 jumpers. He has been USEA regional Advanced Level Champion and has been USEF/PHR Champion and Reserve Champion at the Advanced and Intermediate Level nationally and regionally. Sea Lion has qualified for the AEC's (American Eventing Championships) every year at each level, training through Advanced and for the Adequan Gold Cup. Internationally he has finished in the top-four at the Three- and Four-Star Levels. He has competed at the Kentucky Five-Star event. Sea Lion has retired from competition completely sound and continues to be ridden daily.
Sea Lion had a respectable racing career as a three-year-old under his Jockey Club name, Sea Elephant. He won his first race at Belmont Park, and placed in the top three in seven of twelve starts.
Under owner Pam Fisher, Sea Lion competed successfully at international levels in eventing. He competed in twenty-one international competitions, including fifteen at the 4* level, and was Regional Advanced Champion and USEF/PHR National Advanced Champion.
Sea Lion is creating a legacy through his offspring. Warmblood Stallions of North America recently published an article about SeaLion entitled, "Offspring of US Thoroughbred Sea Lion Begin to Span the Globe."
Dark bay
170 cm
Katherine Boone
805 245 9566
Farm name not available
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